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mar. 14 mars 2017, 16h44

Re: Nouvelle triste

mes sympathies à sa famille et un gros mille merci pour les livres qui
fait beaucoup progresser. Elle laisse un bel héritage qui va continuer
de nous faire progresser

a+ Eddy

Mike Gagnon a pensé très fort :
> This morning Andy Kramek emailed me and told me of the very untimely passing
> of Marcia Akins.

> He asked me to post the following message on his behalf:

> I am sorry to tell you that Marcia died peacefully and without stress or
> discomfort at just after 11:00 am this morning (Sunday 12 March) in the
> hospital at the University of Arkansas For Medical Sciences (UAMS). She
> collapsed last Saturday at the airport on the way to visit her sister and was
> taken to hospital. She was diagnosed with Hyponatremia (low Sodium) which it
> appears either caused, or was caused by, severe acute hepatitis.
> Unfortunately she did not respond to treatment and declined suddenly and
> rapidly.

> She didn’t suffer at all and her end was so peaceful that her friend Joanie
> and I, who were both with her, didn’t even realize that she had stopped
> breathing for several minutes.

> She will, in accordance with her wishes be cremated, and we will be holding
> some sort of memorial for her and a wake (you know how much Marcia loved a
> good party) sometime in the not-too-distant future here in Hot Springs
> Village.

> No flowers please, and if anyone wishes to make a donation in her name, her
> favorite charity was Disabled American Veterans.

> Mike Gagnon

a+ Eddy
L'incompréhensible se réalise toujour avant le compréhensible parce que
tout simplement on ne l'a pas encore assimilé
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